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The Sports Career Blog/Athele Development

Athele Development

5 Qualities To Make A Career As A Professional Footballer

5 Qualities To Make A Career As A Professional Footballer With A Vision, Inner Drive, Work Ethic, Confidence & Having Fun!

What attitude do you need to pursue a career in Sports Sponsorship?

How to Develop your Body Language Skills when working in the Sports Industry?

Reem Abdalazem

How to remove Hate towards Athletes on Social Media?

Tim Chase

How to support Professional Footballers after Football?

Amer Osmanagic

How can a SWOT Analysis support your Sports Career Development?

Amy Williams MBE

How can Athletes use Self-Awareness as a performance tool during & after their Sports Career?

Laurence Halsted

The benefits of learning from the best in Sports & Business?

Phil Greening

How to create a winning team culture in sports and business?

Ollie Phillips

How can Gymnastics prevent Concussions in Contact Sports?

Lee McDermott